Tuesday, July 7, 2015

WorkWar Crisis

There comes a point in our life that even though we love our work very much we  will still be burned alive by those people who consider us as a threat. Here are some hacks that will smoothen our ways to the top.


Form a strong and solid alliance before going to a fight. How to do this? Back-up yourself with influential people around your workplace. It doesn't need to be big, it has to be powerful. Make a strong bond with the heads by gaining their trust. Be approachable,lovely,sincere and all the adjectives that you can think of. In that sense, you will slowly but surely gain their trust.

4. FAKE IT. 
Faking your way to the top is not a difficult task to do. Most of the time,being fake are more acceptable  rather than being rude. Believe me,your enemies mastered it already. There are 2 types of fake face,the one who's sincere but is not and the one who's totally fucked up. So choose carefully what face you will portray. (PLEASE DON'T Use this technique to everyone)

The only way to get those stupid people jealous is when your treating your work as if it is your entire life (Because it is). Win- win situation is the best spot to be when your at a workplace crisis. Show everyone that you deserve your spot more than anyone else by making most out of it everyday. Not being late, portray a positive aura, humility and most of all creative thinking. Don't let people bore, show them a bit of excitement and make sure that you are willing to be friends with them sincerely. (This phase, avoid being fake. Be true to yourself)

Most of the time, the only way to achieve serenity is just being humble. No one wants to have an arguments and a negative working environment. Learn to reflect and be humble enough to take your lapses and flaws. We all commit mistakes that sometimes or most of the time we are not aware of. Being humble doesn't mean defeat, it's just being courageous.

Be positive even though people shows a grimace face or a just being naturally wacky. Lightening the mood of an individual can mean a lot. Crack days happen and it's not just a day or two. Provide positive approach and let your enemies be stressed out on what you have become. Humble, sincere and free.
Hope this tricks work, (if it doesn't) Feel free to stick on rule number 5. BUILD A POWERFUL ALLIANCE!

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